[fedora-arm] Fedora packaging process

Andrew Wafaa awafaa at opensuse.org
Tue Feb 5 09:41:54 UTC 2013

Aloha all,

If possible could someone briefly explain the packaging process on
Fedora, please? As an example, on openSUSE (as that is what I'm
accustomed to) the process is basically this:

Package is built in a users home repo, once built and tested it is
then submitted to the appropriate development project with a request
in the message to go into factory (equivalent to rawhide) ->
development project accepts/rejects the submission, if accepted the
package is then submitted to factory for inclusion in the next distro
release, if rejected clear explanation as to why is given.

What is the equivalent on Fedora? How does mock, koji shadow etc all fit in?



Andrew Wafaa
IRC: FunkyPenguin
GPG: 0x3A36312F

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