[fedora-arm] Fedora-ARM Team Shirts

Jon Masters jcm at redhat.com
Wed Jan 2 18:50:02 UTC 2013

Hi Folks,

Happy New Year once again, and I hope you had a relaxing break (if you
didn't get time off, I hope you nonetheless enjoyed the holidays).

I have heard from ARM that we can use the Connected Community logo on a
shirt, but there are some restrictions. These include needing to get
their approval on the incorporating design proof, which is not an
unreasonable thing for them to ask of us. There might /just/ be time to
pull off some shirts, if we were to turn this around quickly. Therefore,
we will discuss this on the call today. I am copying Ruth and Robyn on
this mail so that we can get their input on any printing options we
might have at this late stage, if we had a final ready to go before next
week. I am thinking we would not print too many shirts, so we would have
various options available, including a local service.

Comments and opinions are welcome.


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