[fedora-arm] Wandboard on F20, patched 3.11.1 kernel

Clive Messer clive.m.messer at gmail.com
Mon Sep 16 11:33:10 UTC 2013


Before anyone starts throwing bricks in my direction, yes, I know it is
not the Fedora way to apply ~200 patches to a stable kernel and release
it.... ;)

Several people seem to have been trying the F20 Alpha on their
Wandboards, and there have been questions about the (lack of) hdmi
driver, etc. etc. I'm running a 3.11.1, built from a src.rpm with Robert
Nelsons patch set applied. (Or at least the Wandboard/IMX specific
patches.) Hopefully, the situation with "mainline" Wandboard support
will start to change with the 3.12 RC series, but until then, if you
want more driver support than the "stock" Fedora kernel is providing,
I've uploaded RPMS's and SRPM to the Community Squeeze repo. To use...

yum install \

yum --enablerepo=community-squeeze-testing install \
 kernel-3.11.1-300.2.wandboard.fc19.armv7hl imx-sdma-firmware \

(Ignore the fc19 dist tag in the kernel package name. It should be fc20,
but I cross-compiled from a F19 x86_64 desktop, hence the fc19.)

After install and before reboot, you'll need to
edit /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf and make sure the dtb file location is
correct. (For me it wasn't and would have used the dtb file from the
previous kernel install with the new kernel, which will result in no
more functionality than you had before with the "stock" Fedora kernel.)

ie. "fdt /dtb-3.11.1-300.2.wandboard.fc19.armv7hl/imx6q-wandboard.dtb"

I've not had a monitor/TV attached, but from dmesg it looks like hdmi
output should be working. On board sgtl5000 audio is working. Broadcom
wi-fi is working. CPU governor support is working. SPDIF output is not
currently working. (I think I saw a change in one of the "next" git
trees that is required, on top the the two RN patches, to get that
working, but I'm out of time.)

NB1. imx-sdma-firmware package contains a single firmware file. I still
don't think loading from ROM is working, so if you don't install the
firmware package, on-board sgtl5000 audio, (which depends on sdma),
might not be available.

$ rpm -ql imx-sdma-firmware

NB2. brcmfmac-sdio-firmware package contains the 2 firmware files you'll
need for the wi-fi driver to function. 

$ rpm -ql brcmfmac-sdio-firmware

NB3. Bluetooth.... In the CS repo, there is a package,

$ rpm -ql brcm4329-bluetooth

Description=Broadcom Bluetooth bcm4329

 --patchram /lib/firmware/brcm/bcm4329.hcd\
 --baudrate 921600\
ExecStart=/sbin/hciattach -n /dev/ttymxc2 any 921600


The brcm4329-bluetooth.service file, uses "ExecStartPre=..." to load the
firmware with brcm_patchram_plus. That appears to succeed. The
"ExecStart=/sbin/hciattach -n /dev/ttymxc2 any 921600" seems to be
failing. Not had time to look at it yet, but if anyone else has time to
jump in and took a look, please do.

NB4. Groans and moans for any breakages/regressions in my direction,
please. Praise and thanks for his work on making the mainline kernel as
functional as possible with the Wandboard at this early stage, to Robert


Clive Messer <clive.m.messer at gmail.com>

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