[fedora-arm] Cubieboard 2 compatible kernel package

Peter Robinson pbrobinson at gmail.com
Thu Aug 14 13:35:09 UTC 2014

> On 14 August 2014 19:55:03 GMT+08:00, Peter Robinson <pbrobinson at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>>> I have a headless cubieboard 2 running a 3.4 kernel that came with
>>> board, but a Fedora rootfs already.
>>> It's been pretty workable, but now I need to compile an OOT kernel
>>> and that's a big mess with the magic 3.4 kernel. The defconfig it was
>>> with has gone 404, although a tarball of the sources (with different
>>> defconfigs) exists.
>>> So after reading the megathreads here about cubieboard 2 support
>>working, I
>>> went to look for a rawhide kernel package and give it a try.
>>> However after looking at Wikis that are out of date compared to the
>>> list, and an "Arm Koji" that only has 64-bit arm binaries in the
>>> package, I have no idea where to go to get the latest armhf kernel
>>> U-Boot pieces etc.
>>ARMv7 was promoted to a primary architecture with Fedora 20 so all
>>ARMv7 packages are part of mainline Fedora so you get them from the
>>same place as x86
> I see. Thanks to David and Robert as well.
>>> I think this respin concept is not a good idea, I see rotting one-off
>>> "respins" including one from Feb for Cubieboard. But all I want is to
>>> upgrade the 3.4 kernel to use a Fedora one with latest upstream
>>pieces. My
>>> fedora rootfs is already in good shape.
>>Use F-21 or rawhide images, the process is outlined here [1]
> Thanks.
>>> What steps should someone in this situation take to align themselves
>>> latest armv7 hf kernel and boot-related pieces that will work on
>>> 2?
>>Kernel is upstream. We don't currently have a uboot that supports the
>>Cubieboard 2 but that will come as part of the uboot 2014.10-rc2
>>release that should be in Fedora in 3-4 weeks.
> OK thanks.
> I should be happy with upstream kernel if it can boot and do network and
> usb, which it seems it should.

Yes, serial console, MMC, sata, network, USB plus a few other random
bits. 3.17 even adds support for the IR port! Just no display yet

> There's a pile of slightly different "appliances" at the rawhide link from
> the wiki page.
> http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/tasks?state=all&view=tree&method=appliance&order=-id
> I grabbed the image here
> http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=7272277
> since it mentioned hardfloat and "Minimal".

Yes, that's a minimal install but you need a serial console to
configure usernames etc.

> I'm extracting it to a spare SD Card and will try to get a boot by hand on a
> second cubieboard 2, rather than mess with the rootfs on the main one I'll
> try to just transplant the /boot pieces if they work on the test one.

The fedora-arm-image-installer mentioned on the install page should be
usable, you just need to setup a bit in boards.d (look at the
Cubietruck example) pointing to the CB2 uboot. This will be easier
once we've got the AllWinner support landed upstream.

> The 3.4 stuff it shipped with doesn't obviously have a separate dtb so it
> might take some meddling.

The dtb you need is called sun7i-a20-cubieboard2.dtb

> Thanks for putting me in the right direction.

No problems.

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