[fedora-arm] need help to build zorba package for ARM

Martin Gieseking martin.gieseking at uos.de
Mon Feb 24 17:20:58 UTC 2014


I've successfully updated the zorba package to the latest release. It
builds properly for i686 and x86_64 but fails for armv7hl [1]. During
the build process, the binary crashes with a segfault after it's called
to create some additional xqdoc files.

Unfortunately, the ARM emulation is way to slow on my computers.
Therefore, it's impossible for me to debug the issue in a timely manner.
It would be great if someone with proper hardware could have a look into
the bug and help to isolate it. Otherwise, I would exclude the ARM build
for the zorba package. Here's the corresponding ARMTracker bug:


[1] https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=6559905

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