[fedora-arm] Funding for creation of Fedora 20 Pandaboard spin

Gordan Bobic gordan at bobich.net
Sat Mar 8 08:31:49 UTC 2014

On 03/08/2014 06:17 AM, Peter TB Brett wrote:

> In the case of the Pandaboard ES B3, there is no known kernel able to
> boot the board.
> In the case of the A6, the upstream kernel is believed to support the
> board with a very recent version of uboot. However, recently one of our
> contractors (*not* an expert on ARM kernel & boot issues) was unable to
> find any Linux distribution that could boot on it.

I think we need to make a distinction here between "kernel" and 
"distribution". If you can boot a kernel, you can boot any distro's 
rootfs (I'm completely ignoring installers here).

So to recap, you need a bootable solution for an A6 and/or ES B3 
Pandaboard. A bit of googling finds this:


which includes binaries that should get you booting with Ubuntu on an ES 
B3 (it may or may not work on the A6). Have you or your engineer tried 
those binaries? If this works then getting Fedora, or any other ARM 
distribution's rootfs working is going to be pretty trivial.


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