[fedora-arm] install to 4GB eMMC on the Rev C Beaglebone Black?

Peter Robinson pbrobinson at gmail.com
Tue Oct 7 10:30:33 UTC 2014

Hi Adam,

> The instructions for Fedora for BBB all suggest to install to an SD card. Is
> it possible to install to the eMMC and not need an SD card? Any ideas?

There's two possible ways of doing this.

The first is to use a SD card like the standard instructions to get a
system running not off the eMMC but have a copy of the image on the sd
card and basically repeat it over onto the MMC, remove the sd card and
reboot. I've done that with the 2gb model but it's not ideal as you do
need an initial mSD card.

The second way, which is untested but on my list of to look at (I was
actually investigating the uboot side of things over the weekend) is
to use the USB DFU functionality of the usb-otg port. AFAICT all the
bits are there on the uboot side, and there's dfu-util package but the
documentation I've managed to find is, at best, poor and I've not had
time to play and work out all the bits, like how to update the uboot


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