[fedora-arm] arm64 uprobes support showing signs of life

William Cohen wcohen at redhat.com
Mon Jan 5 16:06:11 UTC 2015

Hi All,

Pratyush has been implementing uprobes support for aarch64 and has
posted a set of patches
(http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ports.arm.kernel/382237) for
review.  The really new Linux kernels requires a patch to the
systemtap runtime because the f_dentry macro has been removed.  With
the patched systemtap I was able to run the systemtap testsuite and
get some test results exercising the uprobes support:


There looked to be a localized fixes for plt support to eliminate the
unsupported systemtap.base/list.exp plt-* tests.

A number of the tests appear to fail because of userspace arguments
cannot be found for sdt probes.

The uprobe patches still need some refinement.  On a number of
systemtap "make installcheck" runs the kernel would get stuck spewing

  Unexpected kernel single-step exception at EL1

However, things are looking better for user-space probing on arm64.


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