[fedora-arm] 2 sata interfaces

Robert Moskowitz rgm at htt-consult.com
Sun Mar 15 21:03:54 UTC 2015

Is there an armv7 board with 2 sata interfaces?

I have been dragging my feet on replacing my ClearOS Samba server. 
Friday the main drive stalled.  I was able to shake it to get it going 
again.  I hope it was just tired from runing almost 200 days without a 
reboot.  But it brought home that I really need to replace that server...

I have a 1Tb 2.5" drive ready to use on a Cubieboard2, but thinking that 
I really don't want to have the data and OS on the same drive. And also 
I really don't want to rely on SD for /var.  I looked into a mSD to sata 
adapter and learned why that is too hard to be worth it.  So it is 2 
sata, it seems.

I can get the multipler board that Hans has used on the Cubie, or I can 
find some other board that comes with 2 sata.

So ARE there any boards currently available with 2 sata?  1Gb memory is 
enough for a samba server with my demands.

Alternatively, I go with 2 systems.  One the AD the other the file 
server.  (On the Samba list they talk about running the AD as a VM on 
the server system)...

Probably should not wait for F22 or C7-arm, so that means building on 
F21-minimal.  Probably with the current uboot to support the sata 
multiplier if that is what I have to use.

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