[fedora-astronomy] Current state of the Astronomy SIG

Christian Dersch chrisdersch at gmail.com
Wed Apr 23 15:02:31 UTC 2014


I'm Christian and I use Fedora for almost all my physical & astronomical
work. I've seen, that the pages of the Astronomy SIG are quite outdated
and do not reflect the current state of packages etc. As a Fedora
packager and participant I would like to change this.

Some ideas:
1.) Check all these package lists (and the wiki page in general), they
are outdated.

2.) Astronomy spin: Quite simple, I already produced one for my own
usage. There are some questions to discuss (like the used desktop, I
prefer KDE, because KStars is a very nice program for capturing images etc)

3.) Provide an almost complete Python(3) stack for astronomical purposes
(I already created some packages like astroML). Python gets more and
more important for astronomers. I'm a member of the astronomy group of
the University of Marburg (Germany) and we use Python for many tasks.

4.) IRAF, PyRAF, DS9
    - IRAF is hard to package, I tried to adapt the Mageia package but
the build wasn't very stable :(
    - PyRAF is easy to package, but it needs IRAF :(
    - DS9 is easy to build, but uses many bundled libs by default, so it
needs to be unbundled.

5.) Current version of INDI http://indilib.org/ to be able to access as
much equipment as possible. Some drivers could be part of Fedora too,
other ones (maybe the ones for Atik) are not distributable for Fedora,
maybe we could try to bring them to rpmfusion.

What do you think about these ideas (and the current state of our wiki
page)? Except point 4 the ideas should be easy to realize, I already
performed 2, 3 and in parts point 5 for usage in our university group,
so I have a basis I can use :)


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