[Fedora-Bangladesh] where to buy fedora T-shirt in Bangladesh?

Lenin lenin at phpxperts.net
Sat Jul 18 15:09:50 UTC 2009

On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 10:01 PM, Russell John<russell at linux.org.bd> wrote:
> This is a Fedora mailing list so it's the right place to send to email. :)
> Sadly we don't have any Fedora t-shirts available and don't have a
> plan to print them in the near future as there isn't much public
> demand, but we do have a plan to print Linux t-shirts with the tux
> logo and a catchy slogan.  I'm hoping that we'll get them by the end
> of this month or beginning of next month, and we'll start taking
> pre-orders very soon.  I'll post further information as they become
> available.  Thank you for your interest!

Okay at least our children will be able to put on those T-shirts I hope ;)

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