Docker dev images refreshed

Peter MacKinnon pmackinn at
Thu Jan 16 21:19:20 UTC 2014

On the heels of some important changes in Ivy support, I have updated 
the following rawhide docker images (stacked from leanest to largest):

pmackinn/xmvn-ivy-rawhide 	2.131GB
pmackinn/hadoop-dev-rawhide 	2.742GB
pmackinn/hbase-dev-rawhide 	3.431GB

These include Miko?aj's javapackages-tools-3.5.0-2 update which has made 
the ivy-xmvn tooling even more seamless. Now, any Ivy-based project 
build on Fedora can refer to a new system-wide ivysettings.xml file 
which contains several xmvn resolution modes.

 1. local mode, activated with -Divy.mode=local. First try Ivy local
    repository, then system repository through XMvn.
 2. bootstrap mode, activated with -Divy.mode=bootstrap. First try Ivy
    local repository, then system repository through XMvn, finally
    public remote repositories (download artifacts from the Internet).
    This mode is useful when building packages for which not all
    dependencies have yet been packaged for Fedora.
 3. upstream mode, active by default (-Divy.mode=upstream works too).
    Mimic upstream behaviour (local first, then remote). Never tries to
    resolve from system repos.

For example,

    ant -Divy.mode=local
    -Dyour.project.ivysettings.file=/etc/ivy/ivysettings.xml ...

Thus, project modifications should be less invasive for Ivy resolver 
settings, assuming those settings are assigned to an addressable property.

The images also have yum updates from this morning.


Peter MacKinnon
MRG Grid/Big Data
Red Hat Inc.
Raleigh, NC

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