mock and fc5/fe5 and comps pain

seth vidal skvidal at
Thu Dec 15 18:20:21 UTC 2005

> The enablegroups=0 approach is separate from my suggestion of a 
> buildcomps config option. Unless I am misunderstanding (which I admit is 
> possible), you could:
> - set enablegroups=0 for all repos except [groups] in the yum config 
> that is embedded in the mock config.
> - make sure that the buildgroups.xml in the groups repo is 
> understandable by the yum version installed on your mock system

So then depending on what release the user is running mock and yum on
then the buildgroups.xml file they are using will change?

So then we'll need more than one buildgroups repo for misc fedora
building based on what distro the user is using? That seems to scale
less well.

> You still have yum parsing the comps, but it only parses one (and that 
> one is easier to control). Since the groups repo is so directly tied to 
> mock, it seems reasonable to expect that buildgroups.xml should match 
> your mock/yum setup.

yes - but now you have to maintain 2 of these files.

> Good points. I'm not 100% opposed to the fake packages, but the idea 
> still kinda bugs me, especially if it becomes the only way.

wrt to rebuilding the package. What if I could give you a script that
just took a spec file and spat out the noarch.rpm? Would that make your
life easier and less irritated by the package-full-of-deps, thing?


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