
seth vidal skvidal at
Sun May 15 21:41:36 UTC 2005

In order to make the world a bit more simple I've been working on a fork
of mach that simplifies the feature set dramatically. Right now it does
the things we need and only those things:

it does:
1. makes a chroot
2. installs and remakes the srpm from the srpm to get the buildreqs
3. installs the build reqs
4. rebuilds the srpm into binary rpms
5. returns logs and what not intelligently.
6. does all this as quickly as possible.

It doesn't do any of the spec file parsing or build order sorting that
mach does. It only deals with srpms to build from and it only deals with
them one at a time.

Right now I'm calling it 'mock' b/c it's a fake or lesser version of
mach. You can see the packages and what not I've got so far here:

Steps to run it:
1. make sure you're a member of the 'mock' group.
2. mock -r name-of-chroot(look in /etc/mock for names) /path/to/srpm

thats it - it should tell you where to look for the resulting packages
or the logs.

I'll be checking it into fedora cvs shortly and then working on
integrating it with the new buildsystem code that dcbw has been putting

If all goes as I hope then we'll no longer need the common nfs share for
writing out resulting packages/logs. We can just ship the packages from
the build host back over the wire to the queuing host via the xml-rpc
connection already in place. If that all works then we'll be able to
have buildhosts virtually anywhere. (w/i reason of course)

Everything seems to 'work' in my tests - I'm sure there are bugs but I'm
equally sure that y'all will tell me all about them.


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