Plague and other distros...

Dan Williams dcbw at
Tue Nov 22 21:46:43 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-11-22 at 16:16 -0500, Chris Weyl wrote:
> On 11/22/05, Chris Weyl <chris.weyl at> wrote:
> > I'm not entirely sure what's causing this.  The build looks to
> > complete successfully (with resulting rpms to show for it), but
> > plague/mock claims it failed, so this is a bit of a problem.
> Hrm, scratch that.  It's job.log claiming it failed; so that's plague
> thinking it failed, not mock (right?).

It depends on what plague-builder got for the return code from mock.
Plague-builder will also kill mock if mock doesn't write out its status
file after 20s.  You could put some stuff in plague-builder in the
_watch_mock() function to see what mock returns.  But if job.log claims
that something failed, then yes that's plague-builder and not mock.


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