example of buildsys rpm

David Smith dsmith at redhat.com
Wed Apr 5 16:44:31 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-04-04 at 14:26 -0500, Clark Williams wrote:
> All,
> I hand-hacked this specfile together using the FC4 buildroots.xml as
> the starting point.

... stuff deleted ...

> Summary: Dependency package for minimal buildroot
> Name: buildsys-minimal
> Version: fc5
> Release: 1
> License: GPL
> Group: Development/Build Tools
> Source0: buildsys-minimal.spec
> BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root

Two thoughts:

1) If you add the following line (to make the package a 'noarch'), you
can use the same rpm no matter what arch we're creating a chroot for.

BuildArch: noarch

2) What's the purpose of installing the spec file in the chroot?  I'm
afraid I don't see the point.  You'll never need it there.  If you want
to see what the requires were that got installed, you could do a "rpm -
qRp buildsys-minimal.*.rpm"

David Smith
dsmith at redhat.com
Red Hat, Inc.
256.217.0141 (direct)
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