Running rpmlint within mock

Jesse Keating jkeating at
Fri Jul 14 23:43:12 UTC 2006

On Friday 14 July 2006 19:14, Jason L Tibbitts III wrote:
> >From my point it's all testing, because I'm testing the package
> submission by seeing if it builds.  So perhaps that's why I'm just not
> seeing it the same as you.  But OK, I'll just either rip out the bits
> of mock I think I can use, or just give up and write my own stuff that
> uses the chroot that mock leaves me.  But it sure would have been nice
> to get a quick hint and perhaps a little help from someone who knows
> the insides of mock.

You should be testing your package in a local mock rather than abusing the 
buildsystem resources to just test a build.  We deal with this internally 

I'm not saying you couldn't use the mock software as is, in a different 
harness.  Internally we split the majority of testing away from building to 
not slog down our build system with running excessive tests which really 
belong in a QA phase.

We do have some infrastructure to run some tests that are in the 'tests/' 
branch of a package module.  However this is limited and has caused problems 
in our build environment when some packages like to bind to local ports 
(doesn't work too well when you have multiple builds happening at the same 
time, whoops that part is already in use....  However these are for limited 
tests.  I also think that it is strange that we have tests here and also in 
our testing infrastructure.

Jesse Keating RHCE      (
Fedora Legacy Team      (
GPG Public Key          (
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