Patches for shared configurations items and specifying additional dependencies

Michael_E_Brown at Michael_E_Brown at
Wed May 10 22:02:19 UTC 2006

I cannot really speak for the mock guys, but to me, these patches look
very good.
	-- self-contained
	-- limited scope
	-- elegant

They add required functionality without making changes across the
codebase. In particular, your solution for the additional dependencies
looks elegant and cool.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: fedora-buildsys-list-bounces at 
> [mailto:fedora-buildsys-list-bounces at] On Behalf Of 
> Andreas Thienemann
> Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 3:27 PM
> To: Discussion of Fedora build system
> Subject: Patches for shared configurations items and 
> specifying additional dependencies
> Hello List,
> as it seems to be patch submission time, I'm pushing two 
> patches to the list, I had lying around for some time now.
> The first patch allows mock to parse a generic side-wide 
> config file, where general configuration-items can be stored 
> and later overridden by specific chroot-definitions.
> The second patch, is a bit different:
> While pushing the Fedora Core SRPMS through the mock 
> buildsystem we noticed many SRPMS which do not correctly 
> define their buildrequirements. 
> Until the fedora core developer responsible for the package 
> has updated the spec in cvs and pushed an updated srpm into 
> rawhide, there is no way to make the package in question 
> build in mock without having to change the .spec.
> Thus, in order to allow even these broken packages being 
> built, we needed a way to work around these broken 
> dependencies to see if anything else was missing.
> This is done by the second patch, which adds a more_buildreqs 
> config option. If set the given dependencies are installed 
> _in addition_ to the ones from the .spec file.
> While the second patch should not be used during normal use 
> and is definetly not for the fedora-extras buildservers, it 
> still is of interest to other parties, using mock.
> regards,
>  andreas

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