[RFC, PATCH] Build multiple srpms

Michael_E_Brown at Dell.com Michael_E_Brown at Dell.com
Thu May 11 15:55:26 UTC 2006

> -----Original Message-----
> From: fedora-buildsys-list-bounces at redhat.com 
> [mailto:fedora-buildsys-list-bounces at redhat.com] On Behalf Of 
> Clark Williams
> I'm going to set up another plague system on my home server. 
> I'll document those steps and send them to you; maybe we can 
> either make a Plague for the Clueless document (I'm 
> *eminently* qualified) or we can automate it so that you 
> could install an RPM and voila! a plague server.

That would be much appreciated. An RPM that installs a functioning
plague server would be goodness. One nice thing about mock is that you
install the RPM and have a working (but slow) configuration. Make a
couple of obvious config changes to use a local mirror and everything is

An equivalent situation for plague would be goodness.

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