rfc -- multibuild script

Michael E Brown Michael_E_Brown at dell.com
Wed May 17 14:39:52 UTC 2006

Hi all. skvidal asked me to send a copy of my multibuild script to the
list. Here it is, in all its customized for my environment glory. If
there is interest, I could clean it up a bit more and add more cmdline
options instead of hardcoding some of the options.

The main advantage of this script is:
	A) speed: runs a configurable number of builds in parallel.
	B) auto repository creation: creates yum repo as output.
	C) multi config build: builds a set of rpms for multiple configs

Note that this script assumes mock config files named like this:

That is because it outputs a yum repository structured like this:

Usage: multibuild.sh  file1.src.rpm file2.src.rpm ...

	p:  http_proxy
	c:  config list (override builtin)
	e:  mock uniqueext
	d   debug
	o:  output directory (override automatically-deleted tempdir)

For now, I have a few variables hardcoded in the script. These could
probably be made cli options. See the CHANGEME entries. For testing, I
would recommend using the "-o /output/dir" option so you can examine the
output directory structure.

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