: thetango SRPM dependency system

Axel Thimm Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net
Mon Jul 2 10:19:02 UTC 2007


On Sun, Jul 01, 2007 at 07:47:20PM -0400, Prarit Bhargava wrote:
> >How can thetango know that perl-Foo will be providing perl(Bar) which
> >perl-Baz BuildRequires?
> Good question, and I knew someone was going to ask how I got around that 
> particular issue.  perl-* was a real pain to deal with.
> /usr/lib/rpm/perl.prov is run on every source package to generate a 
> close-to-complete list of perl(Bar::Foo) includes.

I see, good cheating ;)

You will probably have a couple of false positives from code that is
not being installed.

> > I guess that if thetango cannot compute the depdency then it probably
> > gets discarded to at least get some better ordering, but the final
> > build will still need a brute force iterative approach.
> Nope.  This absolutely is 100 times better than a brute force iterative 
> approach.  IMO of course :)

It's surely better, what I mean is you cannot avoid the final
iterative approach, you can only provide a better ordered package list
to start with.

For example even when you can cheat a simulated build to find perl
dependecnies, as well as many other script language depedencies, you
will not be able to detect stuff needed for BuildRequires:
%{_libdir}/libfoo.so, which as brain-daed as it looks it is sometimes
needed when packages transition for not having *-devel to having
one. I even have submitted such a package.

But I agree, having an almost fully sorted filelist is 100x better than a
random one.

How about the following addition idea: Does restating thetango on
cached results with a couple different provides take up too much time?
Probably not. In that case you could append such an incremental
thetango call after each package is built and dynamically adjust the
ordering while building getting an almost 100% correct ordering. But
maybe it is already 95% good and the final 5% will be using brute
force, so it would be not worth while to do dynamical adjustments.
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net
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