Trying to figure out some umask issues

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at
Mon Nov 10 04:26:26 UTC 2008

>>>>> "MM" == Mike McLean <mikem at> writes:

MM> I believe the umask needs to be 002 in order for users in the mock
MM> group to be able to use mock effectively.

Which umask?  My person one?  If mock requires a specific umask value,
it should simply set one itself.

MM> Regardless, if this is affecting your rpms, then your specs are
MM> probably broken. Use %defattr in all %files sections.

You'll note that I mentioned that I do many package reviews; these
aren't my rpms.  Also, %defattr is present in the packages I have seen
to have this problem.  (Fedora guidelines mandate it.)  Is there some
specific %defattr value you suggest?  "(-.root,root,-)" is quite

 - J<

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