some minor modifications to wiki [Koji/ServerHowTo]

Paul B Schroeder paul.schroeder at
Mon Oct 6 17:23:20 UTC 2008

Greg Swift wrote:
> Hi all.  I started playing with Koji recently to implement a build
> system for our internal RPMs.  While I'm decently experienced as a
> system admin and developer, I tend to take some things too literally
> or a myriad of other newbie-esque behaviors when reading through
> how-to guides. Thanks to a few people (such as dgilmore and mbonnect,
> and a few others) on #koji i've mostly bashed my way through.  I
> decided I would try to be helpful and attempt to make some changes to
> the wiki to make things a tad clearer for others with the same
> tendencies.
> Anyway... to skip to the point.  I made a copy of the page and made an
> initial set of changes.  You can view the changes here:
Speaking to that, I created a trac ticket with a shell script for 
setting up koji SSL keys:

This script, or something like it, would make Koji setup a little more 


Paul B Schroeder <paul.schroeder "at" bluecoat "dot" com>
Blue Coat Systems, Inc.

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