Revisor / yum odd error with f9 updates.newkey repo: Missing Dependency: glibc-common = 2.8-3 is needed by package glibc-2.8-3.i386

seth vidal skvidal at
Mon Oct 13 15:23:32 UTC 2008

On Mon, 2008-10-13 at 16:24 +1300, Martin Langhoff wrote:
> Right now, revisor can build a pristine F9 installer CD but cannot
> build a F9 + updates installer CD.
> The problem appears by merely enabling the additional repo in the
> stock F9 config files that ship with Revisor. It has also been
> reported elsewhere:
> The error is
>   Missing Dependency: glibc-common = 2.8-3 is needed by package
> glibc-2.8-3.i386

Is there any other debug information available? 

_something_ is pulling in glibc-2.8-3 instead of 2.8-8. That's what's
horking the issue with 2.8-3, most likely.

But without more debugging info I'm hard pressed to tell you what's


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