Yum Static Repos

Mike McLean mikem at redhat.com
Wed Oct 22 21:24:31 UTC 2008

Paul B Schroeder wrote:
> Mike McLean wrote:
>> So, this term 'static-repo' is unfortunate. What folks really mean is 
>> 'slowly changing repo at a convenient location.' One way to get such a 
>> thing is to make a cronjob that periodically copies the current active 
>> repo for a tag to a fixed location.
> Just saw this old post.  Coincidentally, I recently patched my kojid 
> (patch below)
> to create a symlink to the "latest" repo.  Unless I'm missing something 
> that's
> fundamentally wrong with this, it seems easier/better.

This shouldn't be done in kojid. Koji does not require the builders to 
have write access to the filesystem, but your patch assumes it.

My only worry is that the sometime rapid rate of repo regeneration might 
cause a problem for yum when the link changes at the wrong time. I guess 
it is probably ok though.

This should probably be handled in HostExports.repoDone on the hub. I've 
made a patch for that. Will test and push later.

Hmm, I should probably also make this configurable, since some admins 
might already have their own mechanism for creating such links (e.g. a 

> So I can now always get to the latest repo via
> /mnt/koji/repos/repo_tag/latest.  Add this to kojiweb.conf:
> Alias /repos/ "/mnt/koji/repos/"
> <Directory "/mnt/koji/repos">
>    Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
>    AllowOverride None
>    Order allow,deny
>    Allow from all
> </Directory>

Is multiviews needed? I don't see how it will help anything with the 
content that Koji generates here.

> And the "latest" can be had via http://koji.foo.com/repos/repo_tag/latest.
> Be sure to also add this to kojiweb.conf so that your packages can be 
> found:
> Alias /packages/ "/mnt/koji/packages/"
> <Directory "/mnt/koji/packages">
>    Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
>    AllowOverride None
>    Order allow,deny
>    Allow from all
> </Directory>

I don't see why FollowSymLinks is required for /mnt/koji/packages/

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