problems of running koji on CentOS with EPEL packages

Dennis Gilmore dennis at
Thu Feb 5 04:22:21 UTC 2009

On Wednesday 04 February 2009 09:29:54 pm 陈鲍孜 wrote:
> Hello,
> I was trying to distribute koji with the rpms from EPEL on CentOS following
> the instructions of "ServerHowTo". It seems I've made some mistakes that
> it's said "kojid dead but  subsys locked" while I was checking kojid status
> after having it started successfully.
what do you get when you run
"/usr/sbin/kojid -f -c /etc/kojid/kojid.conf"

> BTW, I was a little confused about how to run a koji environment with the
> "ServerHowTo" wiki, due to the relationship of those configurations.
which part was confusing?  the howto doesn't really say where to run each 
piece because each pieces can be run on separate and multiple boxes.  for 
instance fedora runs 2 hubs. multiple builders, a single db box and a single 
box for serving up the packages.


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