koji 1.3.0

Mike McLean mikem at redhat.com
Thu Feb 19 00:51:22 UTC 2009

The tarball is posted here:
(created from koji-1.3.0 tag)

Major Changes
Support for external repos
     new cli commands
     createrepo tasks now have a higher weight
Support for noarch subpackages
Support larger hashes
     Handle different kinds of rpm signatures [mitr] (#127)
     support file digests other than md5 in the api and web UI
Hub configuration via hub.conf
     use a hub config file instead of PythonOptions
     scan for handlers once at startup instead of each call
     now honors KojiDir
Remove huge tables from db
     - rpmfiles, rpmdeps and changelog tables dropped
     - data pulled from rpms as needed
Build srpms in chroots
     bump the weight of buildSRPMFromSCM
Some web ui theming support
     SiteName option (the name that shows up in the title)
     move explicit image sizes to css
     make welcome message customizable
Improved security
     add an auth token to defend against CSRF
     include the current time in the cookie
     some changes to the web UI to defend against XSS
Hub policies
     configured in hub.conf
     enable verbose policy errors without full debug
     current policies:
       tag: controls tag, untag, move operations
       build_from_srpm: controls whether such builds are allowed
       build_from_repo_id: controls whether such builds are allowed
Plugin support
     kojihub and kojid now have limited plugin support

Other Changes
     use hashlib if available
     use subprocess instead of popen2
     improved task cleanup
     check the load average before taking a task
     make use of createrepo --update optional
     choose a better arch for noarch builds
     update the buildArch task weight based on the average duration of a 
     of the package
     set %distribution the same way we set %vendor and %packager
     cleanup before re-taking a freed or reassigned task
     indicate which log people should look in for build failures
     make use of --skip-stat configurable
     use same repo for all buildArch subtasks
     more fully honor topdir option
Web UI
     show summary and description for rpms and builds
     group rpms more sensibly (make the build log links correct)
     remove the dirtyness indicator from the buildrootinfo page (never used)
     enable displaying of only the latest builds in a tag
     use ids instead of names in the urls
     fix the "Watch logs" feature in the web UI to work over SSL
     cache compiled Cheetah templates
     update the web UI to conform to XHTML 1.0 Transitional
     tasks page: rework view selector
     use kojiweb.publisher (new location)
     NotifyOnSuccess option
     honor KojiDir option
     DisableNotifications option
     don't blow up when the database contains older base64 encoded task data
     make a latest link when a new repo completes
     add createdBefore= and createdAfter= parameters to listBuilds()
     fix LoginCreatesUser check
     in resetBuild use CANCELED state instead of FAILED
     report offline status if:
         db connection fails
         there are errors on startup
     preserve old extra_arches during package list updates
Command line
     new subcommand: search
     new subcommand: regen-repo
     new subcommand: remove-tag
     show package filters correctly in taginfo
     allow list-tagged to query at an event
     added --non-latest to untag-pkg subcommand
     added --old-user flag to set-pkg-owner-global subcommand
     show buildroot info in rpminfo output
     show arch in list-buildroot output
     handle chain-build cases where the build tag is the same as the 
dest tag
     don't start kojira by default (#96)
     fix timestamp checks when deleting repos
     package koji-gc
     added purge option to koji-gc
     added koji-shadow utility for shadow builds
Changes related to shadow builds
     koji-shadow utility
     allow creation of repos from a specified event
     allow building from a specific repo id (subject to policy)
     add a strict option to multiCall()
     handle empty multicalls sensibly
     return a placeholder object while in a multicall
     enable building Koji from the Koji git repo with Koji [Jeffrey C. 

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