No child processes

lixiao-a lixiao-a at
Mon Jun 1 09:12:44 UTC 2009

I have copied four virtual machines to the server from my PC,but it shows this error.425 build (dist-kylin, system-config-network-1.3.99-TJ.src.rpm): open (kojid) -> FAILED: Fault: <Fault 1: 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File "/usr/sbin/kojid", line 1275, in runTask\n    response = (,)\n  File "/usr/sbin/kojid", line 1351, in run\n    return self.handler(*self.params,**self.opts)\n  File "/usr/sbin/kojid", line 2009, in handler\n    broot.init()\n  File "/usr/sbin/kojid", line 467, in init\n    rv = self.mock([\'--init\'])\n  File "/usr/sbin/kojid", line 389, in mock\n    status = os.waitpid(pid, os.WNOHANG)\nOSError: [Errno 10] No child processes\n'>    Please help me.
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