Delete a build from a tag, How to do ?

Jitesh Shah jiteshs at
Fri Jun 19 09:17:55 UTC 2009


On Thu, 2009-06-18 at 20:54 -0700, Jian Lee wrote:
> Hello, everyone
> I want to delete a build from a tag, How should I do ?
> example, the tag tms2.0 have following build:
> -------------------------------------------------
> b43-fwcutter-011-5.tms2  michaelw  2009-06-19  09:52:18  complete
> =================================================================
> I first try to delete the build from tms2.0 tag by following cmd:
> ----------------
> # koji call deleteBuild b43-fwcutter-011-5.tms2 tms2.0
> GenericError: Cannot delete build, tagged: [{'id': 10, 'name': 'tms2.0'}]
> ==================================================
> Did a use a wrong api ? or did I can delete a build from a tag use
> kojihub api ? Must to direct do on postgresql ?

deleteBuild will still keep some data in the database. If the reason for
deleting the build is so that you can build/import it again, then try
using "resetBuild". It will remove all the files and rpm data and mark
the build as "cancelled". 

(Although a quick looks suggests that it removes entries from buildroot
too. So, use with care)

Do correct me if I am wrong.


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