Kojid & NFSv4 with sec=krb5p

Anthony Messina amessina at messinet.com
Fri Dec 17 00:15:18 UTC 2010

I have been able to set up a private Koji instance using Kerberos and
have /mnt/koji shared via NFSv4 using sec=krb5p -- with manual
intervention after kojid startup, however, I have some questions
regarding automation.

The /mnt/koji directory is exported with (/etc/exports)

/export         *.example.com(fsid=0,sec=krb5p)
/export/home    *.example.com(rw,nohide,sec=krb5p)
/export/koji    *.example.com(ro,nohide,sec=krb5p,all_squash)

The kojibuilder user on each of the kojid hosts needs read access to
this directory, so I attempted to use the following script at startup
(and via cron jobs to keep the kojibuilder (uidnumber 492) user's
credentials refreshed):


/usr/bin/kinit -k -t /etc/kojibuilder.keytab \
kojibuilder/build.example.com at EXAMPLE.COM

chown kojibuilder:kojibuilder $KRB5CCNAME
chcon -t user_tmp_t $KRB5CCNAME

But unless I 'su - kojibuilder' and run the above script, the
kojibuilder user is not able to access the krp5p mount.  Once I run the
script as the kojibuilder user, then kojid builds won't fail with mock

Are there other users who have a better solution for this?  Right now,
the kojihub is exporting other mounts to actual users and it doesn't
appear that I can enforce krb5p on all other exports except this one.

Thanks.  -A

Anthony - http://messinet.com - http://messinet.com/~amessina/gallery
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