koji using krb - having problems

steve.webb at beatport.com steve.webb at beatport.com
Fri Dec 17 23:35:34 UTC 2010

Ok, all changed, still no-go:

[root at bpbuild001 ~]# tail /etc/koji-hub/hub.conf 
## If ServerOffline is True, the server will always report a ServerOffline fault (with
## OfflineMessage as the fault string).
## If LockOut is True, the server will report a ServerOffline fault for all non-admin
## requests.

AuthPrincipal = host/bpbuild001.co0.nar.beatportcorp.net at AUTH.BEATPORTCORP.NET
AuthKeytab = /etc/krb5.keytab
ProxyPrincipals = koji/bpbuild001.co0.nar.beatportcorp.net at AUTH.BEATPORTCORP.NET
HostPrincipalFormat = compile/%s at AUTH.BEATPORTCORP.NET

[root at bpbuild001 ~]# klist -k /etc/krb5.keytab 
Keytab name: WRFILE:/etc/krb5.keytab
KVNO Principal
---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 host/bpbuild001.co0.nar.beatportcorp.net at AUTH.BEATPORTCORP.NET
    1 host/bpbuild001.co0.nar.beatportcorp.net at AUTH.BEATPORTCORP.NET
    1 host/bpbuild001.co0.nar.beatportcorp.net at AUTH.BEATPORTCORP.NET
    1 host/bpbuild001.co0.nar.beatportcorp.net at AUTH.BEATPORTCORP.NET
[root at bpbuild001 ~]# klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: swebb at AUTH.BEATPORTCORP.NET

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
12/17/10 15:36:29  12/18/10 03:30:18  krbtgt/AUTH.BEATPORTCORP.NET at AUTH.BEATPORTCORP.NET
[root at bpbuild001 ~]# su - koji
[koji at bpbuild001 ~]$ psql
psql (8.4.5)
Type "help" for help.

koji=> select * from users;
  id | name  | password | status | usertype |                         krb_principal 
   2 | swebb |          |      0 |        0 | swebb at AUTH.BEATPORTCORP.NET
   1 | koji  |          |      0 |        0 | koji/bpbuild001.co0.nar.beatportcorp.net at AUTH.BEATPORTCORP.NET
(2 rows)

koji=> \q
[koji at bpbuild001 ~]$ logout
[root at bpbuild001 ~]# koji add-user kojira
Kerberos authentication failed: Server not found in Kerberos database (-1765328377)

Q: The error now says "Server not found" - should the principal in psql be 
host/...  ??

- Steve

Steve Webb | System Administrator
Beatport | Music for DJ's
2399 Blake Street, Suite 170
Denver, Colorado USA 80205
tel: +1.720.932.9103
fax: +1.720.932.9104
noc: +1.303.565.2710
mobile: +1.303.564.4269

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