
Moray Henderson Moray.Henderson at
Fri Jun 8 14:33:18 UTC 2012

In the old days I used to be able to modify the initrd.img file on my CentOS
5 install CD to add drivers, rescue mode utilities etc.

I come to do that on CentOS 6 and find it is now in an unrecognisable

# file initrd.img
initrd.img: data
# lsinitrd initrd.img

gzip: initrd.img: not in gzip format

gzip: initrd.img: not in gzip format
cpio: premature end of archive

I can fiddle with the /boot/initramfs files on the installed system, but how
do you do it now on the install/rescue CD?

"To err is human; to purr, feline."

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