Pungi fails within mock - 'AttributeError: prerepoconf'

Clint Savage herlo1 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 19 22:56:50 UTC 2012

On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 3:44 PM, Jesse Keating <jkeating at j2solutions.net> wrote:
> On 3/16/12 3:11 PM, Clint Savage wrote:
>> Jesse,
>> I've actually done one better and put a try/except around it. Seems to
>> me that's a smarter thing to do anyway. It works fine that way, I just
>> didn't understand what 'self.ayum.prerepoconf' is or why it's there.
>> The pungi code is not completely understandable to me, this seems like
>> an appropriate fix, however. I'd be happy to send a patch up to pungi
>> if others thought it would be useful.
> "prerepoconf" is an attribute to the "ayum" object that is part of the pungi
> class object (self). "ayum" is a yum object instance.  Yum code of a certain
> era would create the 'prerepoconf' attribute under certain scenarios when
> the object is instantiated, and this would cause problems for how pungi was
> making use of the yum object, so the solution was to remove the attribute.
>  I don't know if it is still an issue with current day yum objects and
> pungi, I haven't been working on that code for years.
> - jlk

Yeah, I kind of wondered if that's where it fit. I do think it's still
something that is needed, especially in older versions. I have
backported my fix into a version I'm using. It can be found at
http://kojiweb.gooselinux.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=2442 if anyone is
interested in this fix. I will eventually get around to properly
sending it upstream just to make sure the fix is in place.



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