Koji import versus add-pkg

Mike Bonnet mikeb at redhat.com
Wed Dec 3 23:18:24 UTC 2014

On 12/3/14 2:34 PM, Otto Han wrote:
> Using koji what is the meaning of add-pkg ? I understand I use import
> to add a package and tag-pkg or "call tagBuildBypass"  to put a tag on
> this package. Must I call add-pkg in between?

koji add-pkg adds a package to the whitelist for a tag.  Before you can 
tag a build into a tag, you need to add the package to the tag whitelist 
by calling:

koji add-pkg <tag-name> <package-name> --owner <owner-name>

where <tag-name> is the name of the tag you're trying to tag the build 
into, or one of the tags that is inherited by that tag.  To see the 
current package whitelist for a tag, run:

koji list-pkgs --tag <tag-name>

This will show the full whitelist, including inherited entries.

> Thanks,
> /Otto
> --
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