docker-rpm-builder v0.9 released

Alan Franzoni mailing at
Fri Sep 19 16:40:52 UTC 2014

Now I must go, but I have submitted a build for a basic package:

On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 5:54 PM, Alan Franzoni <mailing at> wrote:
> Right away there's no binary, just a couple of shell scripts, I'll add
> the spec in the next iteration. Thanks!
> On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 5:42 PM, Miroslav Suchy <msuchy at> wrote:
>> On 09/19/2014 04:11 PM, Alan Franzoni wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> after the proof of concept I posted about some months ago I elaborated
>>> a little on the topic.
>>> Pre-release version 0.9 can be found here:
>>> What does it do?
>>> It uses docker to build a native rpm from a source directory holding a
>>> .spec and source/patch files; it's VERY useful in CI environments,
>>> wherever you need to build an RPM as your final product.
>>> At the moment is still a bit rough, but it's very small and it should
>>> be very easy to make it fit to anyone's needs.
>>> Advantages over plain mock:
>>> - work on any host distribution as long as it supports docker;
>>> - doesn't require the creation of a source rpm before building a binary
>>> - as far as I have been testing, it's much faster.
>>> If anybody tries it and thinks it's worth contributing, contact me
>>> and/or open tickets or pull request on github.
>> I will definitely try it. BTW can you provide us with binary rpm packages?
>> Feel free to use
>> You upload src.rpm and it will build it and host yum repo for you.
>> Mirek
>> --
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> --
> My development blog: . @franzeur on Twitter
> contact me at public@[mysurname].eu

My development blog: . @franzeur on Twitter
contact me at public@[mysurname].eu

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