[FZH] 如何在fedora17下安装ovirt?

Robber Phex robberphex at gmail.com
Mon Aug 13 00:41:05 UTC 2012

$ sudo engine-setup
Welcome to oVirt Engine setup utility
HTTP Port  [8080] :
HTTPS Port  [8443] :
Host fully qualified domain name, note that this name should be fully
resolvable  [RobberPhex-PC] :
ERROR: domain is not a valid domain name
User input failed validation, do you still wish to use it? (yes|no): yes
Password for Administrator (admin at internal) :
Warning: Weak Password.
Confirm password :
Database password (required for secure authentication with the locally
created database) :
Warning: Weak Password.
Confirm password :
Organization Name for the Certificate: RobberPhexCloud
The default storage type you will be using  ['NFS'| 'FC'| 'ISCSI']  [NFS] :
Should the installer configure NFS share on this server to be used as an
ISO Domain? ['yes'| 'no']  [yes] :
Mount point path: /mnt/iso
Display name for the ISO Domain: RPiso
Firewall ports need to be opened.
You can let the installer configure iptables automatically overriding the
current configuration. The old configuration will be backed up.
Alternately you can configure the firewall later using an example iptables
file found under /usr/share/ovirt-engine/conf/iptables.example
Configure iptables ? ['yes'| 'no']: yes

oVirt Engine will be installed using the following configuration:
http-port:                     8080
https-port:                    8443
host-fqdn:                     RobberPhex-PC
auth-pass:                     ********
db-pass:                       ********
org-name:                      RobberPhexCloud
default-dc-type:               NFS
nfs-mp:                        /mnt/iso
iso-domain-name:               RPiso
override-iptables:             yes
Proceed with the configuration listed above? (yes|no): yes

Configuring oVirt-engine...                              [ DONE ]
Creating CA...                                           [ DONE ]
Editing JBoss Configuration...                           [ DONE ]
Setting Database Security...                             [ DONE ]
Creating Database...                                  [ ERROR ]
Database creation failed
Please check log file
/var/log/ovirt-engine/engine-setup_2012_08_13_01_01_02.log for more

2012/8/13 Christopher Meng <cickumqt at gmail.com>

> 补充一句。
> 安装软件时最好从同一个源,否则会出不兼容。
> 建议用官方的源重新安装(请先rpm qa一下已安装的包)
> --
> *Yours sincerely,*
> *Christopher Meng*
> Ambassador/Contributor of Fedora Project and many others.
> http://cicku.me
> --
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