Problem on running "nova boot myserver"

Derek Higgins derekh at
Thu Aug 2 13:02:11 UTC 2012

On 08/01/2012 04:45 PM, Stephen Liu wrote:
> Hi,
> OK, continued;
> Your version works here:
> $ nova boot myserver --flavor 2 --key_name mykey \
>> --image $(glance index | sed -n '/f16-jeos/{s/ .*//p;q}')
> +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+
> |               Property              |                Value                 |
> +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+
> | OS-DCF:diskConfig                   | MANUAL                               |
> | OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host                | None                                 |
> | OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname | None                                 |
> | OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name       | instance-00000001                    |
> | OS-EXT-STS:power_state              | 0                                    |
> | OS-EXT-STS:task_state               | scheduling                           |
> | OS-EXT-STS:vm_state                 | error                                |
> | accessIPv4                          |                                      |
> | accessIPv6                          |                                      |
> | adminPass                           | Y72EyxCwybkP                         |
> | config_drive                        |                                      |
> | created                             | 2012-08-01T15:26:41Z                 |
> | flavor                              | m1.small                             |
> | hostId                              |                                      |
> | id                                  | d08a6804-3532-4611-81b3-5d8cc8f2a321 |
> | image                               | f16-jeos                             |
> | key_name                            | mykey                                |
> | metadata                            | {}                                   |
> | name                                | myserver                             |
> | progress                            | 0                                    |
> | status                              | BUILD                                |
> | tenant_id                           | 59599870461543f9a502a163e3b6931f     |
> | updated                             | 2012-08-01T15:26:41Z                 |
> | user_id                             | 02720e417b5b4b7c8f00e1e2e5fc0cf0     |
> +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+
> Continued:-
> $ sudo virsh list
> [sudo] password for satimis: 
>  Id    Name                           State
> ----------------------------------------------------
> $ nova list
> +--------------------------------------+----------+--------+----------+
> |                  ID                  |   Name   | Status | Networks |
> +--------------------------------------+----------+--------+----------+
> | d08a6804-3532-4611-81b3-5d8cc8f2a321 | myserver | ERROR  |          |
> +--------------------------------------+----------+--------+----------+
> There is an ERROR here.
> $ ssh -i oskey.priv root at
> The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
> RSA key fingerprint is 8a:d3:9c:49:cb:01:99:a6:04:7d:ad:fe:4e:f5:9c:61.
> Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
> Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
> Enter passphrase for key 'oskey.priv': verybadpass
> root at's password: (my root password)
> Connection closed by

This is weird, virsh list returned no running vm's but yet something
replied to your ssh attempt. I have seen this happen before, when
multiple Openstack installations were running on the same local network
and shared them same private network. Is there another openstack setup
on the same network?

this wouldn't answer the question of why the instance failed to start in
the first place. can you tail the log files in /var/log/nova/*log
to see if any problems show up while you start another instance

> tail -f /var/log/nova/*log

also try
> sudo virsh list --all
to see if the vm in defined but not started for some reason.


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