cloud and local firewall at all (sig consensus?)

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Thu Dec 20 20:49:23 UTC 2012

On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 09:58:04PM -0800, Garrett Holmstrom wrote:
> EC2 recommends images with *no* default firewall since they use security
> groups to control traffic, and adding a second, guest-level firewall tends
> to confuse people.

I'd like to get a group consensus on this. Dennis Gilmore has expressed
concern about leaving the local firewall off -- having it on may be
redundant, but it protects against configuration errors or security bugs in
EC2 itself. 

Options for the out-of-the-box config are:

 A) no local firewall (Garrett, do you have a reference to an EC2
        recommendation for this configuration?)

 B) firewall allowing ssh in by default (normal Fedora default)

 C) firewall allowing in ssh + http/https (since cloud systems are often
        web servers)

I'm lightly in favor of C, since I like the concept of defense-in-depth, and
this seems like a decent compromise. But I really don't have a very strong
opinion. What are your thoughts?

Matthew Miller  ☁☁☁  Fedora Cloud Architect  ☁☁☁  <mattdm at>

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