Quantum instructions no longer up-to-date?

Dennis Jacobfeuerborn dennisml at conversis.de
Wed Dec 26 19:36:43 UTC 2012

I've followed the instructions on
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2012-09-18_OpenStack and on F18 TC3
they work out of the box.

No I try to deploy Quantum using
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_Quantum_V2 but these instructions
don't seem to work.

The first issue is that the initial "OS_USERNAME=quantum" result in
commands such as "keystone tenant-list" ending with an authorization error.
When I ignore this bit and use the admin credentials from the keystonerc
instead the following instructions work fine.

I can then follow the full setup and 99% of the "How to test" section but
when I try to associate a floating ip with "quantum floatingip-associate
<floating ip id> <portid>" I run into trouble.
Since the value of <portid> isn't mentioned at all I assume it is the port
of the virtual machine which was launched with the ip however when
I try to execute the command I get:

Could not find an external network gateway reachable from subnet
4a2e2166-b543-4b74-af74-0f3a4b31dd1a.  Therefore, cannot associate Port
3c4b6375-7dca-4f58-9fef-e941ea8ff948 with a Floating IP.

This is the subnet:
| Field            | Value                                      |
| allocation_pools | {"start": "", "end": ""} |
| cidr             |                                |
| dns_nameservers  |                                            |
| enable_dhcp      | True                                       |
| gateway_ip       |                                   |
| host_routes      |                                            |
| id               | 4a2e2166-b543-4b74-af74-0f3a4b31dd1a       |
| ip_version       | 4                                          |
| name             |                                            |
| network_id       | 26e64cea-5f27-46d9-9ea7-96837057e5fa       |
| tenant_id        | 68722f889ae04b569b765ed9fd2f13da           |

What's interesting here is that is listed as the gateway_ip yet in
the "Expected results" section of the page this IP is listed as the DHCP IP?

Any ideas what is wrong here or how to debug it?


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