Submitted review request for django-horizon (openstack dashboard)

Cole Robinson crobinso at
Tue Jan 31 15:27:42 UTC 2012

On 01/31/2012 05:25 AM, Derek Higgins wrote:
> On 01/31/2012 12:39 AM, Cole Robinson wrote:
>> I'm hitting an annoying problem though. The httpd+wsgi integration allows the
>> dashboard to start up, but I can't log in, the UI just reports that I'm 'not
>> authorized to view /syspanel' (which is the screen it generally dumps the
>> admin user to after login). Some debugging shows that we are successfully
>> authenticating, but it seems like the code is reinvoked several times which
>> stomps our http_session ID and horizon forgets about our authentication before
>> we can advance to the next screen. The package works fine if you use a django
>> style script, so it doesn't seem to be anything fundamentally busted.
>> Here's the file I'm dropping in /etc/httpd/conf.d:
>> $ cat /etc/httpd/conf.d/openstack-dashboard.conf
>> WSGIDaemonProcess openstack-dashboard
>> WSGIScriptAlias / /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/dashboard/wsgi/django.wsgi
>> <Directory /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/dashboard/wsgi>
>>   Order allow,deny
>>   Allow from all
>> </Directory>
>> Any pointers appreciated.
> Hi Cole,
>    I havn't tried any of this but Can you see if the same thing happens
> if you restrict apache to 1 python process, by setting up a process group
> WSGIDaemonProcess pgroup processes=1 threads=1
> WSGIProcessGroup pgroup
> it may be no help at all but if you still have the same problem after
> this change you know its not caused by having multiple python processes.
> what I'm trying to rule out is the possibility of one python process
> authenticating and then another (if there is one) receiving the second
> request from your browser. The default number of processes may actually
> be 1 but its worth trying by setting it explicitly.
> Thanks,
> Derek.

Derek, you are my hero. A minor variation of that worked, I needed to add

WSGISocketPrefix /tmp

to silence socket permission errors in /var/log/httpd/error_log (we can
probably change that to /var/lib/openstack-dashboard or similar, i'll play
around with it).

Thanks a bunch!
- Cole

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