Fedora 18 RC1 Amazon EC2 images available for testing

Philip Rhoades phil at pricom.com.au
Fri Jan 11 11:49:45 UTC 2013


On 2013-01-10 19:56, Sandro "red" Mathys wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 4:22 PM, Philip Rhoades <phil at pricom.com.au> 
> wrote:
>>> In region US East,
>>>    ami-6145cc08 for 64-bit and
>>>    ami-0d44cd64 for 32-bit.
>> How do I test ami-6145cc08 out on the Sydney Region 
>> (Asia-Pacific-2)?
> You don't. AMIs are region specific and, as has been stated, those 
> are available in the US East region (i.e. only). The effort to make
> them available in every region is too high just for testing, I guess.
> They are normally available in all regions once they are final and
> well tested, though.

OK but what is the effort required to build my own? (it appears to be 
more difficult than just a ks build?).  And if I can roll my own, I 
presume I can upload it to my account in the Sydney region?

I guess it is so close . . I should just be patient and wait for it to 
show up . . I've never been good at that . .



Philip Rhoades

GPO Box 3411
Sydney NSW	2001
E-mail:  phil at pricom.com.au

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