Attention Cloud WG nominees

Joe Brockmeier jzb at
Mon Oct 21 09:21:17 UTC 2013

On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 09:32:55AM +0200, Matthias Runge wrote:
> On 18/10/13 19:59, Matthew Miller wrote:
> >   * Governance plan and documents
> >   * A product definition -- target audience and so on
> >   * A list of changes from existing procedures
> >   * Actually doing things
> ...
> > I've also heard a few comments suggesting that the cloud guest should
> > basically just be the server product in image form, with cloud-init.
> > This is a model where cloud computing is basically seen as providing
> > "servers in the sky"; I think there's a place for that, but again, I
> > don't think it's what we should be aiming at. The point of having this
> > product as something different is so we can actually better address the
> > different needs.
> Matt, thank you for driving this further!
> During the last weekend, I was thinking about the definition of cloud
> working group and what we should achieve.
> When thinking about what will be the role of images in the cloud, let's
> say in 3-5 years, I believe, allmost every server image will be executed
> in a virtual environment, i.e. in a cloud environment. Thus, I think, we
> (as the cloud working group) should target this. Every image in the
> cloud will be used as "server" image, to serve something.

Images are currently used to 'serve' something, what we're talking about
here is the difference between pets and cattle, really. How I see the
difference here:

- server == pet == a system that is running on the bare hardware and may
  run the IaaS or PaaS that is running instances/applications. I care a
  lot if this goes down because it's infrastructure. 
- instance/image == cattle == a system that has the libraries/apps I
  need *right now* and is being used as part of scale out applications,
  and if it dies, I don't care as much because I have an automated
  system that can spin up a new image with the application data.

(Being *very* general here). 

> That would mean switched roles/targets between the server wg and the
> cloud wg (in "their" target and in "cloud image" aim).
> So in terms of product definition:
> * we strive to provide cloud INFRASTRUCTURE to primarily execute server
> images provided by the server wg, target audience will be people running
> Fedora to provide infrastructure.

I think this is the reverse of how we should be structuring the
cloud/server groups.


Joe Brockmeier | Open Source and Standards, Red Hat
jzb at |
Twitter: @jzb  |

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