[cloud] #21: File F21 change: Install without i10n / l18n support (w/optional install)

Sandro "red" Mathys red at fedoraproject.org
Sat Apr 5 01:54:55 UTC 2014

On Sat, Apr 5, 2014 at 10:39 AM, Matthew Miller
<mattdm at fedoraproject.org> wrote:
>> >  localization/internationalization out of any particular image, we can make
>> >  sure to note that in the release notes separately.
>> How is this in place? Is there a switch in Anaconda? Is the
>> locale-archive thing fixed?
> Switch in anaconda -- "--instLangs". It's still not ideal, because the way
> to add missing ones is to use reinstall the packages, and the locale-archive
> thing really needs to be totally redesigned. See
> <https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=156477> (and that includes
> some needed hacks).

Okay, that's what I thought. Should we hope the locale-archive thing
happens in F22 and just punt this?

> I'd be happy to see more if you're interested -- I'm just not sure what we
> can pull off that will be exciting enough to be a feature.

I don't really think it ever was exciting enough to be a feature.
That's hardly anything less exciting than talking about i18n/l10n to
me. ;)

I wonder whether we should apply the hack (the one Dan mentioned in
rhbz#156477) in %post, though. Seriously, who needs locales other than
en in the cloud? Please feel free shitstorm me if I'm mistaken here,
so I get the message. English isn't my native language, yet all my
things (desktops, devices) talk English to me (or Japanese, if they
don't have a switch *sigh*)...so I might not exactly be the right
person to make any call here.

If we do use --instLangs, possibly do that hack and do the
--excludedocs from the other ticket - why not make a more generic
"smaller cloud image footprint" change instead? We could add
"cloud-init doesn't require cheetah", "NM replaced by
systemd-networkd", etc. to that, too. And make a link to the
kernel-split change.

> Or, I dunno, maybe it's worth noting at least, for people making their own
> images?
> --
> Matthew Miller    --   Fedora Project    --    <mattdm at fedoraproject.org>
>                                   "Tepid change for the somewhat better!"

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