Fedora @ Google Cloud

Renich Bon Ciric renich at woralelandia.com
Sat Jun 14 11:13:29 UTC 2014

On Sat, Jun 14, 2014 at 5:48 AM, Vaidas Jablonskis <jablonskis at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the notes. I did not try to customize it as much. I tried to
> stick close to existing fedora cloud images.
> I wrote GCE support for cloudinit (it is upstream already), so it configures
> ssh keys and user-data. I am not sure if it can configure google-specific
> things though.

No worries! Thanks for the contributions and all. I'm adding some
specific stuff on my fork; to help you bring it up to speed with GCE.
I'll make the pull request when I finish.

It's hard to be free... but I love to struggle. Love isn't asked for;
it's just given. Respect isn't asked for; it's earned!
Renich Bon Ciric


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