Fedora @ Google Cloud

Renich Bon Ciric renich at woralelandia.com
Tue Jun 24 06:32:13 UTC 2014

On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 9:50 AM, Andy Grimm <agrimm at gmail.com> wrote:
> This is very possible and should not be much work.  cloud-init already
> is smart enough to determine it's on GCE and use the GCE data source
> to grab data from the metadata service.  It's been a while since I've
> dug into the cloud-init code, but it should be trivial write some
> special metadata if the GCE datasource is active, and then have a
> config module that starts services if those special metadata bits are
> present (might mean writing to dbus or something to do it the "right"
> way from systemd's perspective.)

If you're gonna hop into cloud-init, please, let the Googler's @
https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/compute-image-packages know
that you are. They might just get interested.

In my experience, the google metadata thing does not do much. Just
takes care of injecting keys, setting up hostname and helping with
unmounting of disks; which Fedora does without it's help.

It's hard to be free... but I love to struggle. Love isn't asked for;
it's just given. Respect isn't asked for; it's earned!
Renich Bon Ciric


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