reconsider cloud environment in anaconda ui for f21

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Tue Oct 21 11:31:33 UTC 2014

Right now, Cloud is the default environment in the Anaconda UI. This is 
clearly not right, and there's an urgent ticket to do Something Else.  
I know there was general agreement that we want it there, but I wonder 
if it would be better to defer to F22. That's because a) I still think 
it might be confusing to people who don't realize that it's for a guest 
image, but _mostly_ because there are enough kickstart hacks (including 
the one which should make growpart not break rebooting) that the comps
environment doesn't really provide a good starting point for someone
making a cloud image.

Getting those hacks out of kickstart seems like a good goal for f22,
but I'd like to drop it for now if you agree. What do you think?

Matthew Miller
<mattdm at>
Fedora Project Leader

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