comps, kickstart and spin fixes/changes for F21 Cloud

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Tue Sep 9 18:11:08 UTC 2014

On Mon, Sep 08, 2014 at 02:29:34PM -0500, Ian McLeod wrote:
> * comps changes -
> * kickstart and spin changes -
> Thoughts?
> If these are acceptable, and given that the existing cloud tree is,
> apparently, broken, can we push out the changes and then deal with any
> follow on issues as they show up in the nightly builds?

I can (and did) commit the spin-kickstart changes, but not the comps ones
(at least not without abusing my FPL powers). I think that's still in Bill
Nottingham's hands and should be done as a bug in bugzilla?

Matthew Miller
<mattdm at>
Fedora Project Leader

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