cloud wg official membership refresh?

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Thu Sep 18 17:09:16 UTC 2014

Hey all. I can't help but noticing a significant disconnect between the
original wg membership (including last time we called for a check-in) and
the people who are coming to meetings and doing a lot of the work. This
doesn't reflect negatively on the original slate -- things just shape up
differently and whatever. Overall, in fact, I think it's a very positive
thing, because a) lots of new (and returning) faces (or names, at least,
because... online) and b) this hasn't gotten in the way of us doing anything
in any way.

But I think we should name and ratify a new slate to better reflect the
active state of the SIG in the past few months. Anyone opposed?

Matthew Miller
<mattdm at>
Fedora Project Leader

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