atomic and getfedora

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Wed Apr 15 19:40:26 UTC 2015

On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 09:58:28AM -0400, Joe Brockmeier wrote:
> >> That works for me. Any volunteers for actually working on making
> >>
> > And to clarify, we're then backing out all of the Atomic bits in Fedora 22
> > mainline rel-eng such as the repository and cloud image, vagrant box,
> > and installer?
> No - the plan is still to deliver F22 Atomic, though it's non-blocking.
> But we will not be doing an "official" F23 Atomic.

So, in combination with what you posted earlier....

"As in Fedora 21, the Fedora 22 Atomic image is a kind of snapshot
of work in progress. The after F22 is released, we're actually
moving Atomic to a different model, less coupled to Fedora
releases, at least until the technology matures a little bit. The
Fedora Atomic team intends to release these every two weeks on
<>, and you'll be able to do an
atomic upgrade from the F22 release to that once it's ready."

I'd still kind of like to think about moving the F22 atomic image
release to, too (especially since it's
still non-blocking). Then,
could become a little less maze-like.

I'm thinking we would add prominent links, with logos, to Fedora Atomic
and to the Fedora Docker Base image (which already has a home at This could either be blocks on
the right-side bar, or horizontal stripey panels in keeping with the
new design.

If this sounds good to people, I can start the conversation with the
web team. The initial Atomic page will probably look basically like the
Docker one linked above, but could eventually grow its own design. 

Matthew Miller
<mattdm at>
Fedora Project Leader

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