network service failing on F23 base image

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Tue Oct 13 14:50:11 UTC 2015

On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 08:44:08AM -0400, Dusty Mabe wrote:
> >+1 -- sounds like the right thing to do.
> I am also interested in why this started showing up. Did we make a
> chance to our kickstarts? Was there a change made to the build
> servers?

This sounds like an opportunity to tell my favorite tech joke.

Manager, hardware engineer, and software engineer are traveling to a
conference. At the top of a steep hill, brakes fail and all manner of
things go wrong and the car goes careening down the hill. Miraculously,
car gets to the bottom and everyone is unharmed.

Manager says: "That was scary but we made it. Let's keep going."

Hardware engineer: "No, no, we need to open the hood and figure out
what went wrong."

Software engineer: "Okay, but first, let's take it back to the top of
the hill and see if it happens again."

Matthew Miller
<mattdm at>
Fedora Project Leader

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